Supportive Living
Supportive Living is a residential support service that embraces a community – based residential model of service delivery. Individuals rent or own the home they reside in and may or may not have a roommate. Unlike the facility-based service of the group home model, Halom House does not own the house and only provides select services unique to each individual.
Typically, Halom House will provide direct care to individual(s) in their home. Depending on their needs, these direct care services can range from one hour a day to 24 hours a day. Services may include support around meals, medication, or activities. Plans are developed to fit the needs of each individual and their living situation. Other people close to the individual, such as family or friends, may also provide services as outlined in the individual’s formal plan.
Funding for this program can come from a combination of sources, depending on the services needed and the funding requirements. Some funding sources for supportive living are IO Waiver, County Board Levy Funds, and private pay from a client’s trust or parents.
Dream House Homes is another part of Halom House’s supportive living program. These homes are alternative options to the group home, and are owned by Dream House Inc,. Currently, there are five homes where we provide full service in the greater Blue Ash area.
Respite Services
Halom House provides a limited amount of respite services which may include the temporary direct care supervision of an individual in their own home, by professional staff. Usually this is for a one or two-week service and often occurs when an individual’s parents or caregiver goes on vacation. Respite services are privately paid by the individual, parent, or caregiver and must be carefully coordinated to ensure the continued success of the individual.
For more information on any of our services, please contact [email protected].
Click here to learn more about our Group Home.